Ramanujam welfare & educational trust (RWET) is registered under public trust act 1882, of Govt of India. It came into existence on 16th June 2015. It’s area of operation is PAN India.
Promoting the concept of provision for urban-rural amenities (PURA) knowledge counters, employment generation schemes, undertaking human rights programs, playing a proactive role in school movement for socio-economical, educational, scientific, technical, ethical, organize and promote all programs for the growth and benefit of naturally challenged persons, SCS, STS people below poverty line, Old age and down trodden are some of the major objectives of trust currently its main focus is in the field human resource development i-e to establish, develop, organize and maintain school, colleges, libraries, universities, skill development centers and other institutions for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge among the public in all possible aspects.